DVFriends Strategic Plan
When we opened Delaware Valley Friends School in 1987, our core mission was to serve bright students who learn differently within the framework of a Quaker environment. As we look optimistically toward our next decades of growth, we are steadfast in this commitment, and our original mission remains at the heart of all we do to serve our amazing students and school community.
DVFriends has grown steadily. We are now a three-division school serving grades 1–12, and new programming is continuously expanding the opportunities we are able to offer students. We recognize that now is the perfect time to leverage this unprecedented momentum by thoughtfully planning for all that is next. Drawing on our Quaker values, we engaged in an inclusive strategic planning process in 2021. The four strategic priorities that emerged from that process are summarized below. Our mission and community will remain our compass as we move ahead with the implementation of our plan.

Download the full version of our strategic plan brief, The Path Forward, below.