Upper School

Upper School English lesson with teacher Jackie Middleton
Welcome to Upper School at DVFriends
DVFriends Upper School program offers a comprehensive and challenging college preparatory curriculum within a learning environment specifically designed for students with learning differences.
Our small class sizes, innovative teaching techniques grounded in the Orton-Gillingham approach and latest LD research, and use of state-of-the-art technologies to support different learning challenges help guide and support students successfully through our academic program. Both our academics and extracurricular programs are designed to provide students with the structures and support they need based on how they learn, while also teaching them the self-advocacy and skills they need for life after DV.
Of great importance as the philosophical foundation of our approach, our Quaker identity lends itself seamlessly to our work with students who learn differently. In striving to see, appreciate, and nurture each student as an individual with inherent worth, we meet our students where they are and find ways to help them succeed as individuals. This pedagogical and ethical approach helps young people find their confidence and appreciate themselves for who they are.
In Friendship,
Allison Gill signature
Allison Gill, Upper School Assistant Director
Allison Gill
Upper School Director
Longer class periods provide opportunities for multiple teaching approaches as well as time for students to work collaboratively and one-on-one with a teacher in a single class period. This extended instructional time allows for rich exploration into content and provides the space needed for direct, explicit academic skill instruction.
2024-25 Upper School Schedule
Language arts is taught in grades 9 through 11 using our own accredited Orton-Gillingham based literacy program. Language arts instruction includes critical skill-building and remediation strategies in the areas of decoding, spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, reading fluency, morphology (word parts), and writing. Groupings are based on student needs and learning profiles. In the upper school grades, teachers build language arts courses around engaging content such as art history, social justice, photography, and more--sometimes partnering with teachers in other humanities disciplines such as English or social studies around these themes. The reading and writing skills taught in language arts provide the underpinning for the skills needed across the curriculum.
DVFriends OG literacy program was the first area program accredited by IMSLEC (International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council), the leader in structured language instruction, and recognized by the IDA (International Dyslexia Association). Learn more about OG at DVFriends.
Upper school math offerings cover a range from Pre-Algebra to Calculus. The class groupings are small and based on students’ skill levels and learning needs. Emphasis is placed on skill development and reinforcing foundational skills to underpin higher-level concepts. 
At DVFriends, we separate language arts and English classes in the middle and upper school. In language arts, the focus is on building and remediating reading and writing skills based on the student’s specific learning needs. In English classes, the focus is on reading and engaging with a broad range of relevant and meaningful literature in order to support every student in analyzing and writing about grade-level texts. Particular emphasis is placed on analytical writing, literary analysis, and critical reading and thinking skills.
The DVFriends upper school science curriculum includes the disciplines of Conceptual Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Science. Additionally, course offerings can also include Forensic Science and our award-winning, STEM-based SeaPerch underwater robotics class. All science classes at DVFriends are lab-based and take a dynamic, multi-modal, hands-on approach with a focus on effective collaboration and both technical written and verbal communication skills.
Upper school social studies includes courses on American and World History, Government and Civics, Sociology, and Human Geography as well as direct instruction on Quaker history. In addition to providing engaging content, social studies teachers emphasize skill development including note-taking, study skills, critical thinking, presentation, and discussion skills. Students work with grade-level non-fiction texts, and the course content thoughtfully incorporates diverse and inclusive perspectives.
DVFriends offers Spanish as a foreign language for upper school students. The Spanish faculty use an acquisition-driven instructional model with two goals: to expose students to as much Spanish in context as possible while keeping the class comprehensible and engaging. This approach was built on the work of Stephen Krashen and his theory of Natural Language Acquisition, and it allows for the creation of a more nurturing environment where students not only retain more, but are more willing to speak up and advocate for their needs. The result is a more practical and holistic language learning experience, and is particularly effective with students who may have language-based learning differences. Read more about Spanish the DV Way.
The art program has long been a foundational component of DVFriends’ curriculum. Upper School students can choose from a wide variety of art electives in drawing and painting, ceramics and sculpture, photography, and culinary arts. Often art teachers infuse concepts of social justice and Quaker elements as themes in their classes and projects. A strong studio arts program focused on portfolio development is available for students looking to attend art schools or programs after DVFriends. All of our art teachers have worked as professional artists and bring exceptional quality and passion to their teaching. Student artwork is displayed during our Winter Studio Arts Show and at the Arts Festival each May.
Our program’s emphasis on wellness encourages everyone in the upper school to play a sport, participate in an ABLE elective, and/or complete regular physical activity outside of the school day. Over 80% of our students play at least one DV sport a year. Health classes, seminars, and guest events occur annually, often by grade group, so that we can offer a well-rounded and age-appropriate health curriculum.
Teachers and administrators at DVFriends work with students in developmentally appropriate ways throughout their years at the school to build their understanding of their learning--what strategies, technologies, accommodations, and approaches work best for them, and what they need to be academically successful. In the upper school, increasing emphasis is placed on direct coaching of students on how to advocate for their own learning strengths and needs in preparation for college.
DVFriends provides direct executive function support for students in the areas of organization, time and materials management, the writing process, and long-term assignment and project management. Students’ advisors are the primary resource for this support in a broad sense, but all DVFriends faculty members have trained with national leaders in the field of executive function to develop a system of strategies, prompts, and tools that are reinforced consistently across the division and curriculum. Sarah Ward, Russell Barkley, and Sam Goldstein are among the national experts in ADHD and executive function who have worked directly with our faculty. Here are some resources for parents that they shared during their visits.
In an effort to enhance our ability to communicate the level of support our students receive in our upper school college-preparatory program, we have created a system called the Academic Support Continuum. This system is a tool to support teachers and advisors as they have structured conversations with their students, advisees, and parents about the level of support the students receive in their classes and what they need to be successful. ASC indicators are part of the advisor/parent/student conference conversations and integrated into teacher comments for each class. A student’s level of support may vary from one class to another and may change throughout the school year.
The upper school advisory program provides the opportunity for each student to have an adult advocate who also serves as their parents' first point of contact when communicating with the school. These small groups also serve to build community with regular programming scheduled throughout the year around themes like social emotional learning through the lens of social media, metacognition, and civil discourse and conflict resolution.. Advisory periods meet at the start of each day, as well as a daily extended advisory period in the afternoon. Advisors help students properly prepare for the day, and provide support to make sure students have a plan and the materials they will need to complete homework assignments. There is an emphasis on materials management and for students to practice and become more independent with self-advocacy skills.
Technology is integrated through the program and is highlighted by the student laptop program. Each student is provided with a laptop computer loaded with all the software they use for each class, as well as any individualized assistive tools specific to their learning needs. Teachers model these tools through a range of instructional delivery and encourage students to explore these tools as a means to enhance their own learning strategies. Our upper school teachers are constantly exploring new and better ways to support student learning using technology.
The ABLE program has been part of the DVFriends upper school curriculum since the school began in 1987. The program offers outdoor experiences from rock climbing and ropes courses to sailing, hiking, biking, and skiing, and it includes international trips to places such as the Bahamas, Peru, and Costa Rica, where students hike and camp, learn about local communities and culture, and visit world-famous landmarks. Each of these experiences enhances students’ critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills, and builds confidence and self-esteem. Students are required to complete one ABLE course prior to graduation. Learn more about upcoming ABLE courses.
Upper School students can participate in a number of performing arts elective courses including music, dance, theater and movement, and songwriting. In addition, there are a number of clubs and extracurricular performing arts opportunities available - Recent examples include DV Rock Band, Drum Corps, and Playwriting. These clubs are based on student interest and change as student interests develop. The music department organizes open-mic style performances a couple of times during the school year, and a more formal performance during the Annual All-School Arts festival in May.
Learn more about the performing arts and the Original DVFriends Musicals and Films HERE.
A robust set of diverse elective courses rounds out the upper school learning experience. In addition to the many arts-based options mentioned earlier, each year faculty members offer other options based on their areas of expertise and interest. Some recent electives include culinary arts, creative writing, storytelling, digital photography, coding, financial literacy, songwriting, music and technology, and STEM.
Occasionally, students can pursue an independent study in a topic of special interest if they are able to find a faculty member to guide them. One recent example was an independent study in Marketing and Communications. The student submitted an original film to the International Bridge Film Festival as part of their study which earned an award. Watch A Songwriter's Journey
Upper School students can join any of DVFriends’ interscholastic athletic teams. The school offers soccer, cross country, tennis, basketball, lacrosse, golf, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee. DVFriends teams are no-cut and emphasize skills development and sportsmanship while remaining competitive in our league. DVFriends student-athletes make friends across grades and divisions and learn leadership and teamwork through school athletics. Our soccer, lacrosse, golf, and ultimate frisbee teams have won league championships. Over 80% of students play at least one school sport.
Service learning is deeply rooted in our school’s Quaker heritage. There is a Service Committee that is part of the upper school student government and on which any upper or middle school student can serve. That committee helps to develop school-wide service projects each year. Annual traditions include the Thanksgiving food drive and the Red Cross Blood Drive. In addition to outward-facing initiatives, students can engage in service learning opportunities by being of service to the DVFriends community--volunteering as door greeters for visitors to school events, participating in admissions events, helping with the school’s composting initiative, and other tasks. Upper school students are required to complete service hours each year.
Each spring, our seniors participate in off-campus career explorations. Seniors complete job-shadowing experiences or deep dive into an area of interest of their choosing. The goal of this program is for the students to experience meaningful work outside of our school while looking ahead to their futures. Seniors return to school and complete a professional presentation to faculty, staff, and Board members. Recent internship hosts have included major global companies, smaller regional businesses, area schools, law firms, zoos, museums, non-profit organizations, medical practices, and regional media companies.
Each spring, our seniors take part in an exciting and meaningful three-day trip that is a mix of transition planning, reflective bonding, and fun. Together they explore topics of gratitude, self-advocacy in adulthood, and identity during life transitions. The program concludes with a day at Hershey Park.
On average 98% of DVFriends graduates over the past 10 years have matriculated to college the fall after graduation. The DVFriends College Counseling Department is always working to provide students and families with the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their future through comprehensive, individualized guidance. Our Director of College Counseling, Hallie Ciarlone, supports and empowers students to investigate their options by identifying schools or programs that meet their academic, social, career, co-curricular, and personal aspirations. Hallie is the DVFriends student's advocate throughout their college search, providing guidance on college selection, serving as a link to college admissions offices, and supporting each application with a letter of recommendation. Students receive extensive support in all aspects of the college application process with emphasis on application completion, interviewing, essay-writing, and academic-support self-advocacy. Learn more about DVFriends College Counseling program here.
Community is an essential part of the DVFriends experience, and for the upper school, a central feature of that is our Quaker Student Government. All of our groups are student-initiated and led, with the support of a faculty advisor. Some examples of our longer-standing groups include Service, Activities, and Diversity, which also has several subgroups committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice work in the school. Those include Black Student Union, Feminism, Jewish Student Union, and GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance). We also have a wide range of student interests that have developed into more recent additions to our student groups including Anime, Fishing and Ichthyology, Investments, Branches (Christian student group), Dungeons & Dragons, Driver's Ed, Debate, DV Rock Band, Book Club, Model UN, and Yearbook. All of these groups engage and enrich student life at DVFriends. Student leaders break the silence at the end of each day’s Quaker Gathering, manage school-wide announcements, clerk and present to the school during Meeting for Business, and lead the school in initiatives from their specific committees. DVFriends student leaders learn public speaking skills, organization, and decision-making by consensus, and serve as role models for our younger students.
DVFriends students come from across the Delaware Valley and beyond. To facilitate friendships and fellowship within our community, we have a number of school-sponsored on- and off-campus activities. Grade-cohort activities created by our student leaders (Peer Connectors), Homecoming, putting on Trunk or Treat for the Lower School, prom, and off-campus meet-ups for activities like ski trips help foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for friends to meet and spend time together.

The School shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, age, disability or marital status in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs, or in hiring, use of volunteers or board membership.