DVFriends Speaker Series

DVFriends 2024-2025 Speaker presentations:
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April 9, 2025 at 7:00 - 8:30 pm (in person at DVFriends' Paoli campus)
André Bradford
Kintsukuroi: Building with Purposeful Empathy
Andre Bradford
Andre Bradford, a.k.a. S.C. Says, is an Austin-based slam poet who has been performing slam poetry since 2013. He's toured and featured at venues and universities across the country, and his work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Write About Now, The Edge radio, The Culture Trip, and Blavity. He is a two-time Austin Poetry Slam Champion, the 2022 Texas Grand Slam Champion, and is the author of the poetry collection Golden Brown Skin. He also once popped a bag of popcorn without burning a single kernel, which is arguably one of his greatest achievements. His poetry covers a gamut of topics ranging from being mixed race, to social justice, to mental health awareness, to never settling in relationships. Slam poetry is an art form he loves due to its raw vulnerability and its ability to cultivate transparency and dialogues into many different walks of life.



About DVFriends Speaker Series


DVFriends annual Speaker Series brings experts in the world of learning differences to our community. These speakers and the insights they share provide information and resources to our families, faculty, and staff. We also invite educators, professionals, and families outside of our school community to join these presentations as part of the outreach component of our school’s mission. In order for these sessions to be accessible to all, our speaker series events are always free and open to the public.

Past speakers include:

  • Larry Silver, M.D. on Dyslexia and ADHD
  • Journey Into Dyslexia film with Alan and Susan Raymond, and panelists: Tracy Johnson, Jeff Adams, Damien Fozard, Mary Katherine Ortale, Bill Keeney
  • Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D.
  • Drs. Sally and Bennett Shaywitz
  • Rosalind Wiseman, Ph.D. on anti-bullying
  • Philip Schultz, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and author of My Dyslexia
  • Screenagers film with panelists: A. Michael Blanche, Bob Sager, Jason Seggern, Julien Crowe, Lisa Adams
  • Russell Barkley, Ph.D. on ADHD
  • Katherine Dahlsgaard, Ph.D. on student anxiety
  • Sarah Ward, MS, CCC/SLP on executive function (2014, 2016, 2021)
  • Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. on executive function
  • Anne Ford and John Richard Thompson on raising a child with a learning difference
  • Toby Tomlinson Baker, Ph. D. on college accommodations for LDs
  • Jerome Schultz, Ph.D. on ADHD and anxiety
  • Megan Fairchild, CALT on Orton Gillingham language remediation
  • Khalil Munir, one man show 1pound, 4Ounces
  • Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell on Unlocking the Strengths of the ADHD Brain
  • PBIDA Experience Dyslexia: A Simulation
  • Max Stossel on Social Media and Your Kids
  • Elizabeth Hamblet, Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Successful College Transition
  • Angela Tucker, Closure: Centering Adoptee Voices in Adoption Stories
  • Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell: ADHD 2.0
For additional information, contact Lisa Howell, Director of Marketing & Communications at [email protected].