This page is for current DVFriends parents. Below you will find links to the school calendar, systems and pages that provide access to grades, places to update demographic and contact information, student assignments and resources, student attendance, athletic schedules, lunch menus and information, and ways to reach out to members of DV's faculty and staff.
In addition, there is a link to a page about DV's Families Association, what they do, and how to stay connected to teh school as a parent or guardian.
During the summer, there are also links to Back to School action items and information by division.
PowerSchool Parent Portal -- Update student information, and family contact information, read teacher comments, and access Magnus Health (student health portal), School Messenger (broadcast communications system), and SafeArrival (automated attendance system).

School Calendar -- Find dates and times of school events. Download a single-page overview below.
NOTE: the website school calendar is the most up-to-date source. The single-page calendar is not regularly updated.

Athletic Team Schedules -- Find current schedules for games and practices. If your student is on a current team, please make sure you are connected to that team on DV's Team Snap app. That is where you will find the most up-to-date information and notifications about athletic games and practices by sport. Contact Jalal Rhamirich for more information about DV Athletics and Team Snap.

Lunch Program-- Our food service provider is Brock. You can create an account on MealMagic at to add payments to your student's lunch account or your student can pay for lunch in the cafe. To set up an account, contact Tracy Seggern, Registrar. View monthly menus on the Brock site HERE or on the DVFriends site HERE. Beginning Fall 2025, lunch for all students will be included in everyone's tuition. Students who wish to buy breakfast ort snack items will continue to use MealMagic for payment for those items.